Mesh generation

In this section we will present all the commands that have features and functionalities that allow you to generate meshes starting from a series of simpler objects.


Generated a loft based on meshes. The command will ask for a set of curves and then generate a loft that tries to match the input curves.

Some options can be provided when running the command:

  • AroundSamples: number of mesh subdivisions around the curves
  • AlongSamples: number of mesh subdivisions parallel to the curves

Mesh loft

B_PlanarQuadMesh, B_PlanarTriMesh

Generate a planar quad or triangular mesh with the given edge length parameter. This command uses a special meshing that has been develop to optimize the generation. In the first step it is possible to select multiple curves that will be sorted so that internal curves will act as holes for the generation of the quads or tris.

The second step of the commands allow you to select edge loop curves and the size of the quad to be generated. See the reference image for reference.

Click here to see the tutorial.

Planar mesh


This command allows you to easily draw a curve laying on a mesh, simply selecting the mesh and choosing the points you want the curve to go through. B_EditCrvOnMesh command will allow you to edit the curve also after creation.

Draw curve on mesh


Allow to manipulate a curve on a mesh, which may have been created by B_DrawCrvOnMesh, but it can be even an ordinary curve on a mesh.


Generate a copy of an object on a chosen mesh, subD, surface or brep. The user needs to select an object on the document and a reference plane. Then a target object and a point on that will be asked. The reference plane is essential to establish the object contact point with the object to copy. In other words, it will be used as a "carpet" to rise the object and copy it on the tangent plane at the target point. The reference plane could be either the construction plane the user is working on, the WorldXY plane, or any plane provided by the user.

At the final step, it is also possible to rotate the object copy around its normal direction with respect to the target mesh. At this point the option DeleteInput will appear on the command line, allowing you to delete the original object. The entire procedure is shown below:

Copy object on mesh


Generate an array of the selected object on a chosen mesh, subD, surface or brep along a curve. As B_CopyOnMesh, the user needs to select a reference plane. Then a curve will be asked. For the command to work, the curve must be laying on a mesh or equivalent. If the curve were generated using B_DrawCrvOnMesh the target mesh will not be asked, as registered in the curve data.

Some options can be provided when running the command:

  • Mode: Distance based or array number, that means the number of objects on the curve.
  • Value: Distance between object copies on the curve in case of distance mode, number of copies in case of array number mode.
  • DeleteInput: Choose if you want to keep the original object or delete it.

See the result in the picture below:

Copy object on mesh